Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gearing up for the final!

Today we chucked all the geometry that's been sitting on our shoulders to get ready for the final. The final will be next Tuesday & Wednesday during class time (and there will be more coming on the final in a day or so).

***This might change to starting the final on Monday. Depends on how tomorrow's review goes.***

To get some perspective, I handed out a copy of the Pre-Algebra curriculum. We then started going unit by unit having conversations about what we did in those units. These conversations and other review work will continue tomorrow. Onward!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HW and Equations

Today we checked our homework (SA & VOL of a cone and a sphere) and then reviewed a variety of equations. No homework tonight other than studying their flashcards of their formulas.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Volume today

We checked over our memorization quizzes today, then took some notes on a one-step equation, and practiced finding the volume of some shapes with flat faces. The kids have three problems (from the board) that they will need to complete for homework -- finding both the surface area and the volume.